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Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Microfilaremia, the existence of heartworm offspring in the bloodstream of infected dogs, is comparatively common. However, not all of heartworm infections result in these offspring circulating in the blood. These are known as occult heartworm infections and might be the effect of a range of factors such as single sex heartworm infections, host immune reactions affecting the presence of circulating offspring (microfilariae) and most significantly, the management of heartworm preventives.The onset and severity of illness in the pet is principally a manifestation of the amount of mature heartworms present, the era of the infection and the level of activity of the dog. Dogs with high numbers of worms are usually found to have more severe heart and lung disease affects. Until the amount of mature heartworms exceeds 50 at a 25-kg puppy (approximately 55 pounds), nearly all the heartworms reside in the reduced caudal pulmonary arteries (the blood vessels of the lower lung lobes). Greater numbers of heartworms result in their own presence in the ideal chambers of the heart. In such ailments, the most frequent early pathological changes brought on by heartworms are due to inflammatory processes that exist in and around the blood vessels of the lower part of the lungs in response to the presence of heartworms. Later, the heart may enlarge and eventually become diminished due to an increased workload and congestive heart failure may occur. An extremely active dog (e.g., working puppy ) is more likely to develop serious disease with a comparatively small number of heartworms compared to an inactive one (e.g., a lap dog or couch potato). On occasion, a dog having a high number of heartworms might not only have worms at the center, but also in the caudal vena cava (large primary vein of the lower body) involving the liver and the center. In the event the heartworms aren't removed surgically, this syndrome causes abrupt collapse and death within two to three days.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
PreventivesWhile therapy of canine heartworm disease is generally successful, prevention of this disease is much safer and cheaper. There are an assortment of options for preventing heartworm disease, including monthly pills, chewables and topicals. These products are extremely effective and when handled properly on a timely program, heartworm infection can be avoided.The American Heartworm Society is currently recommending year-round avoidance, in seasonal areas. One reason behind this can be compliance ” to be certain that the medicine has been given correctly by the pet owner. In addition, most monthly heartworm preventives have action against intestinal parasites. A number of these same intestinal parasites which infect dogs may also infect people, with estimated infections occurring in three to six million individuals every year. So this extra plus of monthly deworming makes good sense.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Post-Adulticide ComplicationsThe main post-adulticide complication is that the development of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Pulmonary thromboembolism results in the obstruction of blood circulation through pulmonary arteries due to the existence of dead heartworms and lesions in the arteries and capillaries of the lungs. If heartworm adulticide treatment is successful, some amount of pulmonary thromboembolism will happen.When dead worms are many and arterial injury is severe, widespread obstruction of arteries can occur. Clinical signs commonly detected include fever, cough, hemoptysis (blood in the sputum) and potentially sudden death. It's very important to not allow exercise in any dog being treated for heartworms. Often dogs with acute infections will also require the management of anti-inflammatory doses of corticosteroids.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Elimination of MicrofilariaeThe most effective drugs for this function would be the macrocyclic lactone (ML) anthelmintics, i.e.,milbemycin oxime, selamectin, moxidectin and ivermectin. These medications are the active ingredients in commonly used heartworm preventives. Although their use as microfilaricides has not yet been approved by the FDA, they are frequently used by veterinarians as there are no approved microfilaricidal drugs currently available. It's encouraged that microfilariae positive dogs being treated using these macrocyclic lactones be hospitalized for at least eight hours after treatment for observation of possible adverse reactions, such as those resulting from rapid death of the microfilariae.Circulating microfilariae are usually eliminated in a few weeks from the administration of the ML-type drugs mentioned previously. Today however, the most frequently used microfilaricidal remedy is to simply administer ML preventives as normal, and the microfilariae will probably be cleared slowly over a period of approximately six to nine months.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Canine Heartworm DiseaseDogs are considered the definitive host for heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis). However, heartworms can infect over 30 species of creatures (e.g., coyotes, foxes, wolves and other wild canids, domestic cats and wild felids, ferrets, sea lions, etc.) and humans as well. When a mosquito carrying infective heartworm larvae bites a dog and transmits the infection, the larvae grow, develop and migrate in the body over a span of several weeks to become sexually mature male and female worms. These live in the heart, lungs and related blood vessels. As older adults, the rats mate and the females release their own offspring (microfilariae), pronounced: (micro-fil-ar-ee-a), into the blood flow.Offspring can be detected in the bloodstream (pre-patent period) approximately six to seven weeks after the infective larvae from the mosquito go into the dog. The male heartworms (four to six inches in length) and the females (10-12 inches) become completely grown about one year following disease, and their life in dogs seems to average up to five to seven decades.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
TreatmentsMost dogs infected with heartworm could be successfully treated. The goal of treatment is to kill all of adult rats with an adulticide and all microfilariae with a microfilaricide. It's important to attempt to achieve this goal using a minimum of harmful effects from medication along with a tolerable degree of complications created by the dying heartworms. Heartworm infected puppies showing no signs or mild signs have a high success rate with treatment. Patients with signs of severe heartworm disease can be successfully treated, but the possibility of mortality and complications is greater. The presence of severe heartworm disease in a patient along with the existence of additional life threatening diseases may avoid treatment for heartworm disease.Adult Heartworm Therapy (Adulticide Remedy )There's now 1 drug approved by the FDA for use in dogs to the removal of adult heartworms. This drug is a natural arsenical compound. Dogs receiving this medication therapy will typically have experienced a thorough pretreatment evaluation of its condition and will then be hospitalized during the management of the medication.
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Banepa
Сообщений: 412
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Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Banepa
Сообщений: 401
Hello everyoneMy name is Mary.
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Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Carthage
Сообщений: 25
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
Авто: Киа Рио МКПП Седан Comfort

Год выпуска: 2011
Цвет: Черный призрак

Город: Arcatao
Сообщений: 413
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